Our mission is to amplify the connection between humans and the natural world. Through the creation of pioneering generative music and art over the last decade, we've developed technology that allows anyone to tune into nature with plant music.
Our Journey
with a timeline

Inspired by his love for nature, art and technology Joe Patitucci and his friend Alex Tyson start a zero-waste record label called Data Garden. Each record they release contains download codes printed on paper embedded with seeds that grow into flowers.

Joe and Data Garden successfully organize a number of unique music and art festivals. They create a first-of-its-kind installation at The Philadelphia Museum of Art that transforms changes in plant conductivity into music.

Data Garden's first consumer product and first-ever plant music device, MIDI Sprout, is born. The device is designed primarily for musicians and launches via a Kickstarter campaign.

The first MIDI Sprout devices are delivered, offering musicians a unique way to co-create with nature. The device becomes an early catalyst for plant music as a genre.

Joe and his team begin work on the app development. It would soon give people the chance to listen to plant music without needing to use their own synthesizers.

Joe and his team use the sonification technology of MIDI Sprout to develop PlantWave – its enhanced and more user-friendly version. The device first launches on Kickstarter.

For a Better, More Connected Tomorrow
When experiencing PlantWave, we are amplifying our relationship with the Earth. Instead of seeing it as a resource to be exploited, we can see it as a companion in a quest for a thriving future. We believe that listening to plant music can help unite all humans in bringing about this vision.